A Small Request to Close Out the Year

As we close out 2018, I want to take a moment to say thank you and make a small request.

Our work as an abortion fund centers on a radically simple concept: raise money and turn it around to help pay for abortions . Every time someone calls us in crisis, it’s because of you that we can offer financial assistance. (And, through our doula project, emotional support, as well.)

In light of how central you, our supporters and donors, are to funding abortion in Central Massachusetts and beyond, here’s my request: As you consider any end-of-year charitable giving, send something our way. And by our way, I mean in the direction of our callers.

Even $20 gets us that much closer to another pledge, and another person out there who’s better empowered to direct their own life.

Looking forward to 2019, we anticipate even more phone calls, pledges, events, community-building, and activism. Thank you for being central to that vision .

Happy New Year from all of us at the Jane Fund!

Join Us for Annual Meeting 2019!

This year we celebrate the dedication of long-time president
Lynne McKenney Lydick and look ahead to the Jane Fund’s bold future.

#FundAbortionBuildPower for Giving Tuesday

This year, and every year, we’re thankful for you!

This year has been an incredible one for The Jane Fund. With an influx of new supporters, and the wisdom of those who have been funding abortions for years, we are full of gratitude and excited for the future.

With that in mind, please donate to The Jane Fund tomorrow, Giving Tuesday. You can make a one-time donation, or set up a recurring donation to support us all year long. As a 501 (c) (3) charity, your donation to The Jane Fund is tax deductible.

Election Wrap-Up: Massachusetts and Beyond

Midterm election results left us feeling energized. We were thrilled to join the Yes on 3 coalition to protect trans rights across the Commonwealth and to send a message to the rest of the nation that trans rights are reproductive rights. We were also thrilled to see pro-choice, first-time candidates Tram Nguyen and David LeBeouf both beat anti-choice incumbents for seats in the MA House.

While this new generation of Massachusetts leadership, and trailblazers like Harriet Chandler and Jim McGovern, have committed to protecting abortion rights in our state, other states are slashing access to abortion .

The Jane Fund’s weekly budget includes funds for out-of-state callers. That money is gone by Monday afternoon. Here’s an overview of what those callers are facing:

We’re steeling ourselves for more calls from these states , but we can’t help them without your support. Even $25 make a huge difference in helping someone access abortion care. You can also support abortion funds in Alabama, West Virginia, and Ohio directly.

Coming Up

Be on the lookout for invitations to our Annual Meeting, where we’ll share our vision for 2019. Thank you for being a part of our mission!

Election Day is Here!

If you voted early, congratulations! You’re awesome. If not, tomorrow’s the big day .

Here are some election-day resources to ensure you’re supporting abortion access with your vote:

Find where to go…

Find Your Polling Place (via Vote.org)

Learn what’s at stake across the country…

A Midterm Voting Guide for Reproductive Justice (via The Mary Sue)

Identify candidates that share your values…

Find the Pro-Choice Champions on Your Ballot (via #voteprochoice)

Pro-Choice Voter Guide (via Planned Parenthood Action Fund)

And get the info on voting Yes on 3:

The Ballot Question (via Freedom for All Massachusetts)

Kavanaugh and the Future of Funding Abortion: A Message from Our Board President

It’s no coincidence that the guy tapped by President Trump to demolish Roe v. Wade brings with him a history of sexual assault. The two issues both center on people’s–most often women’s–control over their own bodies. Sadly, that’s still a radical proposition in some (powerful) circles.

As I’ve thought about Justice Kavanaugh and the brave women who’ve spoken out against him, a question has dogged me: How will I answer when my children ask what I did to fight back? My answer will focus on the Jane Fund, on the time I spend raising money to fund abortion. It doesn’t feel like enough, but it’s something.

I write this with my one-month-old daughter asleep on my chest, which is tight with anxiety for her future. I wouldn’t have guessed, even as recently as two years ago, that I’d be envisioning a future for my children without Roe v. Wade or other legal protections of reproductive rights.

That said, I’m stubbornly hopeful that she’ll get to determine her own path in life–including having access to safe, legal abortion if she needs it.

To help keep abortion care possible for our callers today, please join me in doing two things:

Thank you,

Liz Goodfellow
Board President
The Jane Fund