We’ve spent the last year considering the abortion access landscape of Massachusetts and evaluating our place in it. We’re glad to see new, diverse leadership among our sibling funds, state support for abortion access, and greater practical support for callers. Those trends are bright spots amid the broader devastation resulting from the Dobbs decision in 2022. Given what’s at stake for abortion seekers and the organizations that assist them, we want abortion funding to be as effective and resilient as possible. After all, that’s our mission: funding abortion and supporting bodily autonomy in Central Massachusetts and beyond. In support of that goal, we believe it is best for the Jane Fund to end its operations on June 30 and then seek permission from the Attorney General’s office to dissolve the organization.

We know this change may bring up emotions. We’ve certainly had moments of sadness while considering this plan, but we’re committed to putting the needs of callers first. There is no shortage of work to be done to improve abortion access in Massachusetts and across the country, but having four abortion funds in such a small state needlessly complicates and reduplicates efforts. That inefficiency not only uses up resources that could build stronger, more centralized organizations, but also sows confusion among callers and clinics. Given that we are the smallest, least diverse abortion fund in the state, do not offer practical support, and serve the fewest callers, we feel this is the right move.

We would not step away without full confidence and trust in the three remaining Massachusetts abortion funds–the Abortion Rights Fund of Western Massachusetts, the Eastern Massachusetts Abortion Fund, and Tides for Reproductive FreedomWe owe that confidence in part to grant money allocated by the state for abortion care within Massachusetts and to our supporters and donors. We trust that you will continue to show up for abortion access in Central Massachusetts and beyond by supporting one or all of these stellar organizations!

As for the donations we have received over the years, including the post-Dobbs outpouring of support and recent gifts, know that we have spent down our assets by supporting callers (and by extension, sibling funds and independent clinics) in urgent need of financial assistance. We plan for any remaining assets to be split among the three other Massachusetts funds to support abortion access.

We are honored to have done this work for so many years–a few of us for decades–and will hold the legacy of the Jane Fund close to our hearts, along with our gratitude for everyone who has lent support since our founding in 1996. We welcome questions and comments, as well as memories or testimonials about the Jane Fund’s impact and history, at [email protected].

In solidarity,
The Jane Fund Board of Directors